Wednesday, May 19, 2010

MaxID Corp announces new President of US Operations

Brian Skiba, former Chairman to assume role of President US Operations

Pleasanton, CA – May 19, 2010 – MaxID Corp is pleased to announce today the appointment of Brian Skiba as President of MaxID Corp. Mr. Skiba, the former Chairman of the firm, will retain his current operational responsibilities as head of product development and corporate strategy and retain his position on the company’s board of directors, but assume additional responsibilities geographically in the US.

“Brian, having served actively as Chairman for the past two years, has a thorough understanding of our customers, business and the markets we operate in. His software background, combined with understanding of disruptive technology and emerging trends make him well suited to assume the role of President at MaxID Corp US.” says Michael McCloskey, Chairman of MaxID Corp.

Mr. Skiba spent the prior 15 years in investment banking as an equity research analyst, global strategist and investment banker at Cowen & Company, Lehman Brothers and Deutsche Bank and subsequently as a partner at Arma Partner LLP in London and Treadstone Advisors LLC in Palo Alto, California. He holds a Masters in Business Administration from the Amos Tuck School of Business, a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration from Boston University and completed work towards his Masters in Computer Science at Boston University. Prior to his career on Wall Street, Mr. Skiba was the founder and President/CEO of two software companies.

“The opportunities and the challenges remain large in the early development of the Identity market. MaxID stands well-positioned with its solid background of delivering award-winning multi-modal biometric handheld devices and is now rapidly expanding its offering of software content, cloud services and solutions. I am very excited about the prospects for the company”.

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