Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Axway and MaxID Team Up to Provide Comprehensive Identity Verification for Areas Critical to National Security

Joint Offering Ensures Compliance with U.S. Federal Government Mandates, Including HSPD 12 and TWIC

PHOENIX & PLEASANTON, Calif. -- July 13, 2010 -- Organizations and government bodies can now turn to Axway and MaxID to provide a single tool for identity verification via a handheld mobile device. Deployment of the joint offering allows organizations to verify the credentials of individuals in certain areas and facilities, to protect national security and critical assets. Use of the device also ensures compliance with a variety of U.S. Federal mandates, such as Homeland Security Presidential Directive 12 (HSPD-12) and the Transportation Worker Identification Credential (TWIC) card.

To protect national security, the Federal government has taken measures to prohibit unauthorized access to sensitive areas and facilities, such as government property and data in government IT systems. Signed by President Bush in 2004, HSPD-12 calls for the rollout of a personal identification verification (PIV) card system to be issued to employees and employees of Federal contractors for access to government facilities and networks. Similarly, the TWIC program is focused on credentialing transportation workers in order to improve the security of the nation’s ports, vessels, outer continental shelf facilities and merchant mariners.

“Barring unauthorized individuals from sensitive areas is essential, but more difficult to rollout than one might imagine. In addition, more intelligent credentialing involving biometrics is also under discussion in Washington, D.C., making the landscape even harder to navigate,” said Dr. Taher Elgamal, chief security officer for Axway. “With this as backdrop, government entities and organizations interacting with the government must come up with a secure and reliable method to determine if an individual is authorized to be in a particular area. This partnership meets that need and leverages both organizations’ deep expertise in identity verification in a government environment.”

The offering combines both hardware and software to deliver identity verification on-the-go. The solution incorporates Axway's Validation Authority Suite of products, which authorize the validation status of digital certificates, with MaxID's handheld iDL500 mobile computer. The result is a single WiFi-enabled tool that is capable of reading TWIC and PIV cards to process and validate credentials.

“When you’re out in the field, you need to have real-time access to processing capabilities so you can ascertain an individual’s identity and clearance to access a secure area,” said Brian Skiba, President of at MaxID Corp, US. “Through this partnership with Axway, we’re able to offer a single tool that has a wide range of applications in both military and civilian settings.”

Axway Validation Authority Suite protects mission-critical infrastructures by ensuring that revoked or invalid credentials cannot be used for secure email, smart card login, network access or other sensitive electronic transactions. The Validation Authority Suite is a comprehensive, scalable, and reliable framework deployed by millions of customers worldwide to provide digital certificate validation on a wide range of platforms in diverse operating environments. Government agencies, including all four services of the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD), have deployed Axway’s solutions to provide digital certificate validation to its millions of users.

More information on Validation Authority Suite can be found at: http://www.axway.com/products-solutions/email-identity-security/identity-security/va-suite.

View the Axway video blog post: In What Context is Someone Trying to Access the File?

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About Axway

Axway is the Business Interaction Networks company — the only provider in the market today to manage, run, secure, and monitor all of your business interactions, including email, files, messaging, services, events, and processes. Serving over 11,000 organizations in more than 100 countries, Axway facilitates the multi-enterprise transactions, processes and integration that accelerate business by eliminating the barriers between vendors, customers, departments, partners and suppliers. Axway's comprehensive offerings include business-to-business integration, managed file transfer, secure email, business activity monitoring, enterprise application integration, service-oriented architecture, business process management, track & trace and identity validation solutions. Axway provides professional and managed services, as well as cloud computing and Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) offerings. Headquartered in Phoenix, Arizona, Axway's global presence spans 20 countries.

About MaxID Corporation

MaxID Corp is a leading provider of identity and security solutions. It designs, manufactures and sells identity management solutions for a mobile environment. The company is headquartered in Pleasanton, California, and has offices in Virginia Beach, Virginia, the United Kingdom and South Africa. MaxID Corp maintains a global research and development team that has more than 20 years experience introducing new technologies. The company's most advanced biometric handheld devices are manufactured in the United States and are distributed worldwide. More than 25,000 identity devices are being deployed worldwide by customers such as the US Department of Defense, the US Department of Homeland Security, border and law enforcement agencies, and power generation and maritime facilities. For more information about MaxID Corp, please refer to the website www.maxidcorp.com.

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